
Salvador Lee is a Dutch visual production company from Amsterdam.
Founded by 2 architects, we provide niche services in Computer-generated Imagery, aka CGI. We use this to help other architects by presenting their Design Vision in the most engaging ways possible.
We have 1 goal: Architectonic Feelings.


We believe in Cinematic Impressionism of Architecture: Visiting a building is very much like going to a cinema and watching a film. Because, at the end of the day, when you close your eyes, what do you see? It’s a visual memory. A short film imprinted in your mind…

Cinematic Impression of a building in 3 seconds: How do you capture this experience before the building gets built?

Welcome to Salvador Lee!


Peisson Tsuwann

I find thrill when I can help architects portraying the “soul of a project” successfully.

Etienne Shaw

Facial expressions and body languages. They motivate me. Deeply.


  • CGI Strategy
  • CGI Design
  • CGI Production


Craftsmanship meets Technology. In-house is a render farm comparable to a small TV station. This means for you: Speed. Quality. Exclusivity. You are welcome to work us the way you wish.

Core specs
4K (3840 x 2160) @ 25 fps
HD (1920 x 1080) @ 25 fps
